
栏目:行业资讯 作者:东莞华创 时间:2020-07-24 09:11:51

环氧胶粘剂的胶粘过程是一个复杂的物理和化学共同作用的过程,包括浸润、粘附、固化等步骤,最后生成三维交联结构的固化物, 把被粘物结合成一个整环氧胶粘剂与其他类型胶粘剂比较,具有以下优点: 

(1) 环氧树脂含有多种极性基团和活性很大的环氧基,因而与金属、玻璃、水泥、木材、塑料等多种极性材料,尤其是表面活性高的材料具有很强的粘接力,同时环氧固化物的内聚强度也很大,所以其胶接强度很高。

(2) 环氧树脂固化时基本上无低分子挥发物产生。胶层的体积收缩率小,约 1%一2%,是热固性树脂中固化收缩率最小的品种之一。加入填料后可降到 0.2%以下。环氧固化物的线胀系数也很小。因此内应力小,对胶接强度影响小。加之环氧固化物50的蠕变小,所以胶层的尺寸稳定性好。


(3) 环氧树脂、固化剂及改性剂的品种很多,可通过合理而巧妙的配方设计,使胶粘剂具有所需要的工艺性 ( 如快速固化、室温固化、低温固化、水中固化、低粘度、高粘度等 ) ,并具有所要求的使用性能 ( 如耐高温、耐低温、高强度、高柔性、耐老化、导电、导磁、导热等 ) 。

(4) 与多种有机物 ( 单体、树脂、橡胶 ) 和无机物 ( 如填料等 ) 具有很好的相容性和反应性,易于进行共聚、交联、共混、填充等改性,以提高胶层的性能。华创材料,始于1999年专注环氧树脂胶粘剂研发生产,单组份环氧树脂胶,结构AB胶,电子灌封胶,新材料

(5) 耐腐蚀性及介电性能好。能耐酸、碱、盐、溶剂等大多数介质的腐蚀。体积电阻率1013—1016Ω·cm,介电强度 16—35kV/mm。

(6) 通用型环氧树脂、固化剂及添加剂的品种多、产地多、产量大,配制简易,也可接触压成型,能大规模应用。


Epoxy adhesive glue process is a complex physical and chemical combination of the process, such as infiltration, adhesion, curing steps, the last generation of three-dimensional crosslinked structure of the condensate, combine glued objects into a whole compared with other types of adhesive, epoxy adhesive has the following advantages:

(1) epoxy resin containing a variety of polar group and active epoxy group, and with metal, glass, cement, wood, plastic and other polar materials, especially high surface active material has a strong stick relay, at the same time, the cohesion strength of epoxy curing is very big, so the bonding strength is very high.

(2) during the curing reaction of epoxy resin is basically no low molecular volatiles. Rubber volume shrinkage of small, about 1% one 2%, is one of the varieties of thermosetting resin in the curing shrinkage rate minimum. After joining the packing to be 0. Less than 2%. Epoxy curing of linear expansion coefficient is small. So the internal stress is small, little influence on bonding strength. Combined with epoxy curing 50 creep decrescent, so the size of the rubber stability is good.

Epoxy resin adhesive glue. JPG

(3) modification of epoxy resin, curing agent and agent of many varieties, can be a reasonable formula design, and clever technology needed to make the adhesive, such as fast curing, room temperature curing, low temperature curing, the water curing, low viscosity, high viscosity, etc.), and has required the use of performance, such as high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, high strength, high flexibility, ageing resistance, conductivity, permeability, thermal conductivity, etc.).

(4) and a variety of organic matter (monomer, resin and rubber) and inorganic (such as packing, etc.) have good compatibility and reactive, easy to carry on the copolymerization, crosslinking, blending, filling modification, in order to improve the performance of the rubber. China material, began in 1999, focused on research and development of epoxy resin adhesive production, one-component epoxy resin adhesive, the structure of the AB glue, electronic potting glue, new materials

(5) the corrosion resistance and dielectric performance is good. To acid, alkali, salt, solvent etc. Most of the corrosion medium. Volume resistivity Ω 1013-1016 cm, dielectric strength 16-35 kv/mm.

(6) general-purpose epoxy resin, curing agent and the variety of additives, producing area, yield more big, easy preparation, also can contact pressure molding, to large-scale application.

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